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Chief Koval Violates Police Code of Conduct

Let us count the ways . . . there are so many I'm sure to miss some and just skipped over some, so please, play along. I think the Common Council needs to censure him. His behavior was atrocious and he's not above following the police department Code of Conduct. He's setting a terrible example for others under his command and someone has to check this megalomaniac's power on behalf of the citizens of this city.

Tonight! Evictions & Homelessness

The Madison Institute, The Progressive and the League of Women Voters of Dane County invite you to . . . (Rescheduled) Out in the Cold: Evictions & Homelessness in Dane County

School Board Budget Hearings

Tonight, 5:30 at LaFollette

TRC Silent Auction Items

People were pretty excited about a few of these things last night! Here's the catalog . . . and things are still rolling in . . . so there will be even more tonight!

Wisconsin Tenants About to Get Screwed

There's just no other way to put it . . . see what fresh new hell the Republican landlords have in store . . . 2 hearings and one vote on Wednesday, even tho it just got a bill number and became public late Monday.

Dept. Operating Budget Submissions: Attorney, Council, Mayor, Civil Rights, Clerk, Treasurer

This is the first of many blog posts with information about the 2014 city budgets.

Madison Schools Make Up Plan

Revolution or not, the kids still have to be in school a certain amount of time, so here's the plan to add a few minutes to the school day to make up for the days kids walked out and teachers didn't show up.

The Myth of Education “Reform”

My LTE made the Cap Times website, in a slightly edited version. Here is the full letter(with links): Now that school has resumed,...

7 Additions to the Week Ahead

That seems to be about the average of late . . . some of these meetings might have already happened, I should have blogged this sooner, but ran out of time.

Right to Dream Too

It's a little awkward to think you know anything about a place by visiting for an hour, but here's some of my observations about the Right to Dream Too homeless "rest area" in downtown Portland, right at the entrance to the Chinatown area of the city - it was just a few blocks from our hotel.

A Better Occupy

All summer long we searched for better options, but we found none. So, we're back at 800 E. Washington, but hopefully have learned from past experiences and remain open to better locations - but there is no doubt, there is a need for somewhere to provide limited shelter, minimal heat and a sense of community.


Mayor Soglin Announces Appointment of Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development