Home Media Page 336


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Moving the Steensland House

Neighborhood meeting Wednesday. . . .

Who’s spending hours every week with developers and lobbyists

Wow. Some of these numbers are a little disturbing. And find out what alders would rather be doing.

Participatory Budgeting in Madison?

Meeting tonight to hear initial projections for the budget. Rummel has requested that CCOC talk about participatory budgeting. Here's some info on tonight and participatory budgeting.

Big Share Today! Think Tenant Resource Center! (Updated with Winners!)

Or any of the other 70 great Community Shares organizations, its so hard to choose! TRC staff has taken over my facebook page, enjoy their silliness and see below to see how you can help us by donating during certain times of the day and the "prizes" you can win . . . we already have our first winner!!!!

The rest of the City Week Ahead

I'm seriously debating continuing doing this since it seems so misleading given the meetings they add throughout the week. Sorry I missed the 5 meetings yesterday.

More issues with Logans

So, I recently did a training for TRC volunteers and the community and one of my new volunteers got really interested when we were talking about disparate impact and discrimination and wanted to know if these same rules and concepts applied to bars . . . here's why.

Porchlight Breathalyzers

Uly explains why staying at Porchlight is problematic.

Try, try, try again . . .

Anyone want to be the Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development? The last 83 people who applied apparently weren't good enough . . .

Items of Interest at the Council Meeting Tonight

Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday.

County Week Ahead

I'll see if I can make any sense of their agendas . . .

Legal Obstacles to County Board Exercising It’s Authority.

The most offensive thing about this memo is that it was written 5 days before the meeting, yet not shared with the public or the lead sponsor. With staff like this . . . who needs political enemies.

Changes to City Joke of a Week Ahead

So tired of this . . . expect more changes today and tomorrow.