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ALDO under attack!

Hmmmm, looks like the Alcohol License Density Ordinance in place for downtown is facing some challenges. We might actually see some changes not just in the ordinance, but in the attitude and begin stepping away from this goofy, arbitrary ordinance (that for the record I voted against!) Alternatives in the works!

Another Trip to Europe with FANTASTIC results!!

Ok, I think this just shows really poor judgement and it looks terrible, but I'm glad it changed this elected official's mind.

Meeting “corrections” for today

Several cancellations and a new meeting (or maybe more by the time the day ends).

Johnson/Gorham Two-Way Study Discussion at the Council Meeting

From last night's meeting, with bk comments.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

They had a retreat on Saturday that wasn't noticed til late last week, elections this week - DONT FORGET TO VOTE ON TUESDAY - and there will be the first meeting of the committee looking at police in the schools.

700 & 800 Block E Washington Meeting

What's going on with the proposals on the 700 and 800 blocks of East Washington Avenue/Don Miller properties . . . here's the latest...

Not Officially Scheduled Meetings & Round Up

I got some miscellaneous to talk about, meetings, input (about police) needed, random stuff.

Vote Oct 11th!

Just another way Voter ID or the Voter Suppression Act is costing us more money.

Absolutely Confused by County Board Budget Process

Apparently, its not just me. This year appears to be worse than ever. Trying to follow it, even when talking to various...

Last Minute Process for Council Budget Meetings

Makin' it up at the last minute, staff deciding how the council will do things? How are people supposed to know this? Does the council get a say in their own process and shouldn't this have been worked out months ago when they passed the resolution on the budget process?

City Week Ahead

Council meeting, public hearing on the operating budget, historic preservation planning meetings and more.

City Week Ahead

December . . . things will start tapering off as we get closer to the holidays, but we still have a full week this week.