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Three Days In a Row Round Up!

Overture, Library and High Speed Rail meetings last night . . . and Radomski and Brandon announce for Mayor and County Exec . ....

Benches Reinstalled on State St.

Yup. Unilateral decision of the Mayor.

Limited County Week Ahead

Only 6 meetings.

County Week Ahead


Why Doesn’t the County Want to Serve Tenants?

For 17 years, the Tenant Resource Center provided services to tenants in Dane County. This year, tenants only get services if they are at risk of homelessness and then the services they get are very limited. Why? What can you do to help?

The Madison City Clerk’s Office is hiring poll workers!

From the clerks office . . .

Last Minute Changes to Edgewater TID Rushed Through Plan Commission

Last night was one of those nights that sucked to try to cover things in city hall. I managed to catch part of Landmarks, part of Plan, part of Landmarks again, park of Plan again and none of Board of Estimates. And, the kicker, my TiVo died so I couldn't compensate. Boo. Anyways, here's what Plan did on the Edgewater TID with bk comments.

Added City Meetings

Posting these could be a daily occasion. I've been sloppy, but I will resume, even tho it is absurd meetings can be scheduled on Friday the week before the meeting.

Walker Administration Refuses to Open Capitol Basement

From Chris Taylor . . . no surprises, Walker doesn't want the homeless using the Capitol basement.

Police Chief Mike Koval Found Guilty!

Madison Police Chief Michael Koval has been found, by the Madison Police and Fire Commission, guilty of violating MPD Code of Conduct for verbally harassing Sharon Irwin.
The PFC fully agrees with both the language and the spirit of the Standards of Conduct. The PFC, in its limited range of authority (hiring, promotions, discipline), continually attempts to ensure that all sworn officers, from patrol officers to the chief, fully understand, appreciate, and adhere to those Standards. We hire the Police Chief. In our role of hiring the City of Madison Police Chief, we expected our Police Chief, as the leader of the Department to serve as an example for the entire Department, and always be beyond reproach no matter how frustrated or how harassed he or she may feel. Respondent failed in this instance.
Of course, he was not disciplined.

County Week Ahead

Only 4 meetings this week. 3 of them at 3pm, 8:15am and noon. None on Monday or Tuesday.

Tenant Resource Center Reduces Services in the Face of Dwindling Resources

This is the blog post/press release I've been dreading for about 2 years, we knew the day was coming . . .