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Legal Obstacles to County Board Exercising It’s Authority.

The most offensive thing about this memo is that it was written 5 days before the meeting, yet not shared with the public or the lead sponsor. With staff like this . . . who needs political enemies.

Tenant Resource Center Rent Party Toninght

Join us tonight for our Rent Party, buy a raffle ticket, enjoy some live music (Electric Spanking), free food, cash bar and help us thank Megin McDonell for her more than 14 years of working at the Tenant Resource Center!

County Week Ahead

21 meetings, 10 meetings before 5pm on a weekday, so only half the meetings when most people not paid to be there can make...

SEIU Heathcare WI want Ballots Impounded & Recounted

Revelation by Waukesha Republican Official with Known Credibility Issues is Questionable & Eerily Familiar to Previous GOP Efforts to Disenfranchise Voters, Re-Write History

Just When Your Thought Construction Season Was Winding Down

Big closures on East Washington Avenue inbound . . . you might need to find a different way to get to work . . .

80 Degrees Today? Round Up

First day of fall . . . 80 degrees! Must be too hot for the news . . . so I'll make my own.

Please Hold . . .

I have 6 or 7 blog posts half done . . . and about 25 ideas for others . . . so, check back...

4th of July Weekend Recap

Not much by way of news, at least not the news I'm interested in

Long Overdue Round Up, Part II

Still going . . . have some more since I haven't done this since . . . . last Thursday . . . I...

Metro Computer Glitch – Exchange your tickets

Check your 31 day passes and 10-ride cards . . . they may be accidentally expiring . . . you need to exchange them....

Mo’ Meetings!

You didn't think that they actually had all the meetings on the Weekly Schedule did you? 6 added meetings. That's over 1/3 of the meetings this week.