Home Media Page 337


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

City Attorney Responds to Council Amendments

I think the city attorney concluded that most of the amendments were policy, not legal issues. There are a few notes and comments, but almost all seem ok by him.

Second Half of Overture Discussion

I listened to the live stream . . . so far, all I can see is standing around, presumably deal making.

Things Going On Around Town Round Up

Not a media round up - but a round up of various emails I get about events, presentations, input sessions, etc.

Common Council Recap Part 2 (Embarrassment x 2)

Ok, a few brief items, $13M in TIF and Allied Drive Grocery. One item demonstrates the power of one citizen paying attention to city hall, the other, is just absurd, after talking about applying equity to their agenda, the fail to apply equity to the agenda after it was pointed out twice. Equity, its just talk.


Mayor Soglin Announces Appointment of Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development

“Draft” Day Resource Center Concept Paper

I might be being dense here, but there is nothing new in this that Lynn Green hasn't been saying all along. There appears to be no feedback mechanism at the moment, except to email Lynn Green and Casey Becker, but I don't know what happens with that feedback (likely nothing, like the rest of our feedback so far) and then I'm unclear what the next steps are except to go right to a RFP, with no public discussion of this.

Quick Common Council Recap (Brief)

I hope I don't regret that title. Baldeh and Harrington-McKinney are absent, along with Alder Palm who is excused. Mayor is even here!

Public Workshops on Monona Terrace Station

The meetings are next week . . .

“Proposed” B-Cycle Locations

Um . . . "proposed" but phase one will be done by Sunday. And phase 2 will be done 10 days later.

Worker’s Protest (City) Week Ahead

It's hard to focus on anything local or tomorrow's elections with the latest Walker assault on our Wisconsin way of life. But, here it is.

White, Stupid and Drunk – Double (Racist) Standard

Drunken College Students blocking off the streets, starting fires, 5 arrests = "mostly good behavior". And yet after a month of peaceful protests the "fear" of violence started by Chief Koval, lied about by Chief Koval and continued by Chief Koval, continues to be a concern to reporters and people throughout the city. Why?

Dean Brasser Retiring

Sigh . . . this is a bummer. Knew about it last week, was hoping it wasn't true . . .