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Mo’ Meetings!

You didn't think that they actually had all the meetings on the Weekly Schedule did you? 6 added meetings. That's over 1/3 of the meetings this week.

Middleton Common Council Passes pro-RTA resolution.

Yesterday, the Common Council of the City of Middleton passed a resolution supporting the Dane County RTA, placing a 1/4 sales tax increase on...

County Week Ahead

Also unusual.

Thursday Morning Round Up

Day two . . . of attempting the return of the round up.

Evidence of Increasing Poverty

Warning: This isn't pretty.

Support the Scene 2-17 thru 2-19

Hello and welcome to my attempt to create an interesting and informative blog. My current plan is to post two or three shows that...

Federal Housing Counseling Money Gone!

Once upon a time (about 7 years ago), the Tenant Resource Center got $60K for housing counseling from the federal government to run a statewide toll-free line. Then it went to $40K, then $25K, then $20K, then $0, then $20K and now back to $0. And now, no chance of getting any money, because the entire program has been zeroed out in the federal budget. Check out what will be lost!

What will the council talk about tonight?

Landmarks ordinance and dogs in parks

How Will the New Zoning Code Affect Where You Live?

Check out the maps to find out . . . then attend a meeting to give your feedback.

Mayor Calls Emergency Council Meeting

Yeah, more shameless political pandering in an election year. Eyeroll.

Occupy Tear Down Incredibly Ironic and Unfair

Volunteers needed . . . along with laundry facilities, tools, etc. to help recycle Occupy.

New Mayor and Council City Week Ahead

Change is coming, will it be all that we want it to be?