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Troy Drive Historical Society Storage Project

Update from the community meeting.

Mo’ effin’ meetings

I should have known better than to be so happy and excited about my local government aiding in transparency . . . not much has changed. Here's 4 more meetings from today.

Mayor Defends Midtown Station

Complete with a map.

Council Consent Agenda for Tonight

Looks like two items are of interest.

Business to Cozy up to Local Elected Officials

City Council and County Board schmoozefests planned. Sponsored by DMI, the Chamber, the Convention & Visitors Bureau, and Smart Growth Greater Madison -...

County Board Week Ahead

6 meetings . . . also winding down . . .

Housing is a Human Right Resolution

I think this is the final version! Will you or your group sign on?

Summer is Coming! Summer is Coming!

Summer hours for the men's shelter start 3/12/17. Yes, that's right, summer is here!!! 13 more days!

County Board Budget Meetings

Now, more than ever, we need to get creative. But, we can't do that at the expense of the most needy in our community. This is no longer just for budget geeks, this impacts everyone!

More Changes to the City-County Building Policies

I'm not sure this was voted on by the City-County Liaison Committee. Parts of it may have been, parts of it have not been as far as I know.

County Week Ahead

11 meetings, only two before 5 pm!!!

City Not Doing Enough to Stop Discriminatory Practices of Bars

I'm disappointed, but with a little attention to this issue, maybe we can get them to do the right thing.