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It’s a WTF Kind of Day – Vacant Affordable Housing to be Torn Down...

for a playground and parking.

Worth a Constitutional Amendment?

On November 4th, the people of Wisconsin will be asked if they want to "protect" the state's transportation fund.  The motivation, proponents say, is...

People Work, Mayor Holds Press Conference About their Work?

Sometimes, this mayor is just a little too much. The mayor's holding a press conference today during the time the committees doing the work to be talked about in the press conference will be meeting and doing that work.

Occu-Potluck at Occu-Camp!

The Occupiers are back! Well, they've been scattered all over, but they never went away . . .

Video from Day 5 and 6

And more coming!


I asked someone in city hall, who has been around for a long time, what they thought of the "new council" and after first pausing they said it was "average". I laughed. That sums it up perfectly.

Ch-Ch-Changes to the “Weekly” Schedules

Geez, lots of changes . . .

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part I

And they are passionate about it - I haven't quite figured out why its so important for them to get the homeless out of the City-County Building, but they are determined. And holy crap, I forgot about the Sargent vs O'Lauglin divergent views of the county. Do we have stockholders we need to watch out for? Or are we a community with a safety net? Or will we build an island for misfit toys to put people on?

We Have No Money.

I recently talked to an alder who said every conversation with the new Mayor starts off with "we have no money." Here's why.

20 degrees: No woman or child turned away

If it hits 20 degrees, homeless women and children will not be turned away, kinda. Plus new shelter space available. SALVATION ARMY WINTER POLICY Note...

Racial Disparities Implementation Team Work

I'd kept half an eye on the Dame County Task Force on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System, but my interest and hope...

Goodman Pool Opens Tomorrow

Just in time for the hot weather this weekend.