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County Week Ahead

14 of 22 (64%) meeting before 5:30, 11 of 22 (50%) meeting before 4:30. Paid lobbyists only please!

Citizen or Candidate Konkel?

Jesse Russell asks a good question about my blogging here on Forward Lookout. Jesse's question should be expanded to my radio and television show...

Irony Alert, Addition of City Meetings

Sigh . . . equity . . . A committee most people don't know about, but was touted as a success in the Equity...

Issues the Council Members Want to Work on this Year

This is from the CCOC (Common Council Organizational Committee) last week. The issue is what will this committee, which is the only "council members only" committee will work on. It's a chance for the members of the committee to talk about what they thought were priorities for them to work on. Generally, these would be council related issues. Here's what they came up with. And my comments.

Madison Voter Turn Out

We did our share!

Mo’ Meetings

Sigh . . . 3 more city meetings . . . .

VERY short county week ahead

2 meetings

Parisi Threatens Lawsuit over CARPC’s 21% tax increase

'Dem is fightin' words! He sounds like he means business!

Not Really the City Week Ahead

There are bound to be multiple meetings missing from this list, but this is what they say it the week ahead in the clerk's office, based on what the staff have given them.

A Homeless Person Sums It Up

This email came to me this morning and I thought it was a good summary of where we are at. Not my words, but someone experiencing it. From his perspective, things look really bleak going in to winter. Not necessarily new, but the promise of change, the hope of things getting better . . . may have made things worse for many.

Wisconsin Transportation Spending Graph

This chart I found at  Milwaukee Rising says it all: Click the graphic for a larger view.  The graph is from a 2010 WISDOT report on transportation budget...

Amazingly offensive, even for Blaska

What possesses a person to write a sentence like this?