Home Media Page 34


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This is a Crazy TIF Deal

If the TIF boundary change isn't accepted, the city will go ahead with a TIF-like deal for a project not in a TIF district. They'll still "pay back" the "loan" with their taxes.

Should the Council Move Judge Doyle Square Forward?

If you ask me, no, this has been rushed too much, much of the discussions have been in closed sessions and there are too many remaining questions. Here's what we know, what we don't know and what you can do.

Dane County to Stop Funding Tenant Services?

Will tenants in Dane County outside the City of Madison no longer have tenant services available to them? Dane County Board votes on Monday,...

UW Police Increasing Use of Body Cameras

Apparently, they have decided to use them and have been testing them . . .

Why is a Tent in the Cold Better than the Shelter?

During some down time between meetings yesterday, I asked folks to tell me what they didn't like about staying in shelter and why a tent in the cold is better. Here is what they had to say . . .

City Week Ahead

20 meetings, 5 before 4:00 . . . 9 before 5:00 . . .

What Laundromat is Willing to Serve Homeless People

Long story short, on May 5th the Bubbles Laundry Project got locked out of 701 E Johnson St. We switched to 306 S. Brearly and today . . . we got locked out of there too. Setting aside the illegal discrimination against people based on homelessness as a protected class, where can we do laundry Friday 9 - 1 where homeless people can easily get to and where we won't get locked out??

Better late than never?

A little after 11:00 tonight we were finally notified of the county's plan to deal with the holidays and the next few very cold and snowy days - and keeping homeless people from freezing to death or at least getting hypothermia or losing some toes to frostbite. Not much detail and I have NO idea how people are supposed to find out about the latest last minute plan that has been thrown together.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings . . . plus the anticipated topics the board will be discussing in August.

Madison Schools Week Ahead

3 meetings . . .

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight

Looks like the meeting won't be so long that they need to refer Judge Doyle Square tonight . . . but I understand that they haven't met all the requirements and the council would likely have referred it anyways. Or maybe, just voted it down.

Redesigning Blair St & John Nolen at Willy St.

You know that odd intersection . . . how can it be better? What do you think of the plans?