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County Budget Process

The county has a much more extensive process for the public to participate in, but in many ways, it is much harder as you don't have copies of the amendments they are considering and you can't plan for their schedule if you are interested in something.

Demo, Demo, Demo

More demolitions . . . I think I've neglected to post a few, so some might be repeats . . . or not! There's 13, and a couple may have been acted on already.

Board of Estimates Recap

Another short meeting . . . which I expected to be longer given the agenda.


NEWS FLASH Wisconsin is turning into Vegas. With its unlimited water use for large agriculture with the use of high capacity wells, and horrible frac...

End of Slow Week Friday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have . . .

City Week Ahead

Budget, Budget, Budget and 27 other meetings. 14 of them before 5pm.

More issues with Logans

So, I recently did a training for TRC volunteers and the community and one of my new volunteers got really interested when we were talking about disparate impact and discrimination and wanted to know if these same rules and concepts applied to bars . . . here's why.

Do These People Support Sheriff Mahoney’s ICE Policy?

Check out the people endorsing him, its a pretty disappointing list.

Homeless Issue Committe Chair Resigns

I don't blame him, but its a real loss. When good people are forced to walk away to stop contributing to the farce . . well, they make the right decision, but the whole community loses.

Madison Schools Week Ahead


DATCP Notices Students!

Wow, I've been in the tenant/landlord business a long time and rarely, if ever, have I seen the state agency (DATCP = Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection) that is supposed to be dealing with tenant/landlord problems step up during the August 15th time period. That changed this year.

City Week Ahead

Busy week for a 5th Monday, 5th Tuesday and 5th Wednesday - 23 meetings - some at ridiculous times - 9am, 1pm, 11am, 12:30pm, 12pm. Clearly not intending the public to be there.