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Uh, What is this?

10323984_10202732877456651_2096830351139250446_n And why?

Brief Uber/Lyft Update (Updated)

This is on the EOC agenda for tonight (that came out yesterday) and was at the Public Safety Review Commission Tuesday.

Uh, Vote Today

I have nothing brilliant to say about today's elections except if you want to vote for the most (small p) progressive person in Subeck vs. Clear its a no-brainer, vote for Subeck. To call Clear a progressive is an insult.

Water Main Flushing Schedule

Just so you are not surprised.

City Gets an F for City Weekly Meeting List Accuracy on Monday morning!

There are 23 meetings on the weekly meeting schedule now, Monday morning there were only 15! 8 added meetings so far, a 53% increase in 48 hours or a 65% accuracy rating, a D or F if a teacher were grading the city.

BREAKING NEWS: Lawsuit Filed Against City on Edgewater

I gotta say, he'd have been a fool not to. Just got off the phone with the person who filed . . .

County Week Ahead – Budget Season Begins

Sorry, day late, but you only missed on meeting!

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Complete! Sign on!

The Inclusionary Zoning law went away about a year and a half ago, a committee was formed, they were told to solve the problem without money and they have talked and talked and talked and talked and nothing has happened, cuz, how can it, without money? Now more than ever, we need a concerted grass roots effort to make sure our local government is doing more to expand housing opportunities for everyone in our community.

Faith Communities Can’t Continue to Fill Human Services Gaps

The faith communities in and around Madison have been critical to filling human services gaps for years, but the needs are increasing beyond what they can handle, and they shouldn't have to provide for basic needs in the first place. The faith community responds to comments by Lynn Green, Director of Dane County Human Services.

4 More changes to the Weekly Schedule

Mostly cancellations . . . perhaps because people get late notice and there is no quorum? Or something else, I'm not sure.

County Week Ahead!

3 meetings. 1 today, 2 tomorrow.

The Partial City Week Ahead

I wonder how many meetings will be held this week, that they haven't told us about yet. Here's the one that are noticed at the moment.