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Madison Schools Week Ahead

2 meetings on Monday . . .

City Week Ahead

Meetings at 2:00, 3:00, 1:00, 10:00, 11:00, 8:00 - who do they think are going to attend these meetings? And OMG - why does it have to be such a puzzle to figure out what the meetings are -this week 3 meetings are in legistar that are not in the weekly schedule. Looks like 2 more are scheduled but don't have agendas yet and you just know there will be meetings that pop up throughout the week (I haven't been doing a good job of pointing that out, but I better go back to doing that.)

Mayor’s Office War on the Homeless, Part II

I told you this was long, be patient. In this post, we have people calling the police when people are singing or dropping the F-bomb! Imagine if we called the police every time someone got in an argument in the city-county building or dropped the F-bomb!

City Council Operating Budget – Live Blogged

Here we go again . . .

Election Night Results Follies . . .

Campaign results in local campaigns are usually in within 20 minutes to an hour of the polls closing. Last night, with hardly anything on the ballot . . . it was hours.

City Week Ahead

Cancelled meetings not showing up here are Historic Preservation Plan Advisory Committee (tonight), Early Childhood Care and Education Committee (Wednesday), Council Meeting (Thursday). There are so many odd things going on with this weeks schedule - its a mess. Most important thing to know is Council meets on Judge Doyle Square and the Budget on Tuesday - Wednesday if needed.

Mayor’s Advisory Group on Homelessness

He did actually ask a bunch of us to help him come up with solutions, and a bunch of us did, but we only had one or two meetings with him before he declared us all enablers, screamed at us, dropped an f-bomb (quick, call chief Koval) and we haven't met again. Here's what we came up with preliminarily for him, but we never actually discussed it with him because he was too busy watching his live stream videos and making up fantastic stories about what he thinks is going on (despite a couple members of the group going out and talking to the people and giving him different information, which he promptly ignored.)

City Week Ahead

25 meetings . . . that we currently know of . . .

City of Madison Economic Development Strategy Goals?

The subcommittee met, had their first meeting, and reviewed the 10 goals.  Curious what you think, does this seem like an economic development strategy...

Madison Schools Week Ahead

5 meetings, 4 of them today. They're have a public hearing on the budget, but failed to make the amendments the school board members submitted available?

Mayor Calls Emergency Council Meeting

Yeah, more shameless political pandering in an election year. Eyeroll.

Here’s About 80% of the City Week Ahead

Think that's about right, there's 13 meetings on the schedule this week, I might have aimed a little high and been a bit optimistic, might be 70% or less. We'll see.