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Soglin Campaign Outraises Cieslewicz, Diverse Supporters

I'm surprised the fundraising is so lopsided.

Pitifully Few Vie for County Board/School Board Seats

Filing deadline is tomorrow and out of 37 potential county board races, there are currently . . . four. 3 known retirements from the board. 89% of the county board supervisors are likely to skate through another election, unopposed. No contested races for 3 of the 7 school board seats?

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight

Not cancelled. Possible Absences: Ald. Barbara McKinney, Ald. Amanda Hall

Crazy 20 days: Wis Labor Protests

This is day 20 of my video taping the current events. The last 24 hours were clearly the craziest. Twice I was told I was risking arrest during the last two weeks, but nothing happened either time, and in the end, justice prevailed, for now . . . here's what happened in the last few hours.

Police and Fire Commission 101

As told by Scott Herrick, the Attorney for the Madison Police and Fire Commission, based on questions submitted by the Community Response Team. It's a video worth watching if you have the time and interest!

City Week Ahead

17 meetings . . . so, on an average week they add roughly 1/3 of the meetings after Friday evening, so expect 6 - 8 more meetings to show up this week, check back for Mo' Meetings . . .

Mo’ Freakin’ Meetings

I guess I was a little too hopeful that the staff got the message . . . I guess the official deadline is July 1st.

This Might Be the City Week Ahead

I have absolutely no confidence that this is actually what the city week ahead is, since they managed to miss the Council meeting. But, here's what's available at the moment.

Tenant Resource Center Opens Office on UW-Madison Campus

That's right, we now have 4 offices! Our Willy St office, our Housing Help Desk on Aberg Ave. at the Dane County Job Center, our Milwaukee office and now ASM Office on campus!

Citizen Dave . . . double speak.

Seriously. He's a nice guy, so he gets away with this, or he did.

Mayor Defends Midtown Station

Complete with a map.

Council Consent Agenda for Tonight

Looks like two items are of interest.