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Tuesday Morning Round Up

Relevant local news I can find, plus state and "not in the news" news . . .

District 1: Candidates Top Issues

District 1, Far West Side/SW side of Madison.

County Week Ahead

Relatively few meetings . . .

March Madness (Homelessness) Rally

Here's most of the videos I have from the March Madness Rally. One more coming.

Water Main Flushing Schedule

Just so you are not surprised.

Assessments are Out!

Unclear where to find the bottom line on what is means for the city in terms of revenue. The best I could tell...

Please Hold . . .

I have three or 4 blog posts coming this morning, but . . . I came in to work extra early this morning to...

The most prolific “tagger” in Madison is…

Greg Tracy, local Madison entrepreneur and budding civic hacker, (seriously, check out SMSMyBus) took a photo and asked the hypothetical, "is the city itself the...

Community Vigil Thursday

Yadda, yadda, yadda, another protest, another rally, another vigil. No, seriously, pay attention to this one. It's for the little boys killed week.

Voter Registration Allowed for One Week Starting Today!

From the city clerk, they need people who can help register people to vote for the next week if you have some time!

City Budget Amendments Related to Homelessness

So, the final vote on the city budget will likely be tonight. 4 amendments of interest to folks who have been seeking services for our friends without homes in the community . . . 5 - 6 years later, might we finally get restrooms?

Reverend Wright Award Nominees Sought

Nominations due Friday May 23rd.