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A tale of 2 committees

So, Public Safety Review Committee meets and does nothing, refers the Mayor's "Bench Ordinance" and the media reports it. 5 media outlets showed up. The Equal Opportunities Commission unanimously votes it down . . . crickets. No press. Why?

City Week Ahead

It's a real shitshow this week . . . ALOT going on . . . ALOT!

What is wrong with this city?

I was born here, lived in 6 other cities until I was an adult, then I moved back to Madison. I've served for 8 years in our local government, rented for 7 years, owned two different homes here, and have been here nearly 30 years, this is my home. But I don't recognize my city any more.

Weekend + Monday Round Up

News is slowing down . . . less local government to cover . . . except for spring elections.

What will the council discuss tonight?

Not much.

Mo Meetings

4 changes since yesterday, including adding the ALRC (Alcohol License Review Committee)!

County Budget: Magically Appears on Thursday? (What might be in it?)

So, public testimony is over. The Personnel and Finance Committee is the last committee to see the budget before the County Board rubber stamps it on Monday, November 13th. Of the $1.6M of amendments in the operating budget, what will be in? What will be out? They only have $500,000 to spend (unless there is a miracle). So, when will we know?

Zach Brandon: “Radical” Idea Number 3

Build Meaningful Relationships with Human Services Providers

1st Substantive City Police Policy Review Meeting

I hope I don't have to eat my words, but this committee looks promising! They are going to be discussing what their priorities and workplan should look like for the next year at their next meeting, so mark you calendars now if this issue is important to you! They meet 1st Thursday of the month at 5:30.

County Week Ahead

15 meetings, 2 cancelled, 7 held during the work day for most people.

Regional Transportation Plan

Sigh, more planning. But its important! Time to make your voices heard and help create the vision for the next 30 years or so.