Sign up to Help Run the City . . .
With the way things are going, good people on city committees are more important than ever!
It seems Alder Mark Clear will be withdrawing an amendment that would take money from community services for a consultant for the BioAg Gateway.
Clearing bus stops: Something doesn’t add up . . .
8 new streets workers, and some of the bus stops will be cleared in 3 days, the rest in 5 days. Shouldn't they be able to do it faster than that?
Short Budget and Elections (City) Week Ahead
One (probably very, very long) meeting on Monday, none on Tuesday.
Spencer Black Withdraws Pledge of Support for Hulsey
As Brenda prints below, Spencer Black has recently condemned Hulsey for his decision to print material with quotes missatributed to him, material that he...
David Wandel: Give & Take?
A guest editorial on the latest Community Services debacle.
Once again I write as a citizen of Madison and happen to be a Committee member...
Hulsey Really Blows It – Not Trustworthy.
Spencer Black rethinking his endorsement. Kristin has a big chunk of the story. Here's the latest statement:
Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 9:24...
Funding For BioAg Gateway and BioLink
Why does this facility need more money? And why do they need to take it from Community Services?
The City’s Priorities . . .
I think Mark Clear and Judy Compton just launched class warfare (or at least threw more fuel on the fire in the neighborhoods vs business community flames) with their budget amendment that will be discussed at Board of Estimates on Monday at 4:30. I'm afraid the vote will be 4 - 2. Or 3 -3 and the Mayor would break the tie.
Railroad Tracks Revelations
Dan Melton reports on a walk along the tracks with officials in preparation for high speed rail . . . they seemed to learn...
What is Wrong with the CDA now?
Seriously, wear perfume to a meeting and risk losing your Section 8 assistance?
McDonell on Rail Referendum
McDonell: Vote No on Phony Rail Referendum. Or Don’t.
There’s a lot at stake next Tuesday. We’ll go to the polls to choose our...