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Fed Up With Pham-Remmele

No mercy here.

Bus Stop Snow Shoveling Ordinance Likely Dead

I feel bad, that was kind of apparent at the last council meeting the Council wouldn't pass this ordinance - I don't think it even has one vote, but I didn't blog it and somehow it was missed by many in the media. While the council pretty clearly said this was a bad idea and the Mayor should address it or they would in the budget, the media came out slamming the council for an idea they clearly were looking for a different solution for. So, hopefully, CCOC and the budget will put this issue to rest.

Is A Broken Elevator that Big of a Deal?

Yes, it is.

Will Council/County Board Chambers Ever Get Fixed Up?

There has been money in the budget for it . . . So what's the deal?

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

According to the consent agenda, only one thing . . . I bet that's not right.

Operating Budget Available: Mayor’s Goal for the Council

Mini rantish kind of paragraph to follow . . . I wonder how much input the council had in determining what the goals would...

Mayor’s Budget Leak Continues

Here's changes coming for City Channel 12, and more stickin' it to the county!

Linda Ketcham: People’s Affordable Housing Vision Comments

The rest of the round up on our press conference, the vision and the signatures are here. Along with the other great speakers on video. But I wanted people to see these comments from Linda Ketcham, from Madison Urban Ministry, which she graciously passed along to me. Enjoy! Enrage! Engage!

Mayor Dave Leaked Budget Round Up

The leaking began over the weekend . . . but wait before you jump to conclusions about this budget!

People’s Affordable Housing Vision Round Up

In terms of getting press for something you care about, I can't think of a worse thing to happen to a press conference, than for the County Executive to announce her surprise resignation an hour before your press conference.

More City Week Ahead – And an APM to Note

In case people didn't know, there is an APM that was recently revised that talks about getting agendas to the clerk's office by noon on Friday.

The County Week Ahead

It's budget time!