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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Hulsey is Lying about other Endorsements, Too

He has claimed that Fred Risser is in his camp, too - on literature and at the debate last night. Guess what? Not true....

Landmarks Commission on the Sustainability Plan

Many, many hearings on the sustainability plan this week. I covered one of them here, two others were tonight.

County Week Ahead

Only 7 meetings, but somehow they managed to schedule 3 of them at the same time, and 2 before 5:00.

Where does the Chormium VI in our Water Come From?

Coal Ash? MG&E?

Tomorrow Noon: Responding to the ENTIRE Walker Agenda

In the first mass rally organized to respond to the entire Walker agenda . . . WE ARE WISCONSIN! RALLY Saturday, March 5th ~ Noon to...

Mo’ Mo’ Meetings

This one is so rushed they have three members appearing by phone . . . what's the rush - a liquor license for a marathon event? 27 hours notice of the meeting.

What a Shitty Day Round Up

Ok, I took my camera and went back to the capitol yesterday. The best sign I saw simply said "a sad day". Indeed. If you think yesterday's round up was depressing . . . well, today's is worse.

Extra Meetings this Week

By 8:20 Monday morning, there were three new meetings . . . seriously . . . why can't these meetings get noticed by Friday afternoon along with everything else?

Some Good Tax News For Madison

An extra half a million dollars in nothing to sneeze at . . .

Reward to Find Dog, Please Help

This is from the dog bit outside La Fete de Marquette, please help if you can.

Next Salvo Against the Homeless

I was at the Economic Development Committee yesterday and got a heads up on the next issue to ward off the homeless. You just knew this one was coming . . . remove the State St. benches?

Tired of Fear!

Two tales - What's the difference?