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Follow up – Making it Hard To Go To Rehab

.6 BAC . . . should be an automatic ticket to rehab, but its harder than you would think.

4 pages of supplemental info for Council Agenda Tonight

Absurd. Get it together.

County Week Ahead

There were no meetings yesterday, so you didn't miss anything.

And MORE City Week Ahead

Sneaky . . . sneaky . . . sneaky . . . . . this time, city-county liaison committee (snaky). . . and others.

City Week Ahead

Get done with work at 5:00, you'll make it to exactly 4 of 23 (17%) meetings on time . . . we are going backwards with this. I guess equity means nothing, and their report is hogwash. Yeah, I said hogwash.

Have You Read the 600+ Page Jail Report?

I don't know anyone who has . . . Here it is if you want to attempt it! My first look at it, here's...

Concession in City/County Tax Collection Dispute

It seems like they might have a proposal to solve one tiny portion of the dispute, but we still don't know what tiny percentage of people will take advantage of this, there's still the foreclosure/delinquency issue that is not resolved and the question of if all the costs for new software, reprogramming and other staff headaches are going to be worth it.

Please Hold . . .

I have three or 4 blog posts coming this morning, but . . . I came in to work extra early this morning to...

Quick Monday Morning Round Up

Hope you all had a good three day weekend . . .

Changes to the City Week Ahead

I didn't check my email before I posted and there are 5 more changes already.

City Finance Committee Becomes a Development Committee (without Equity Lens)

This agenda has more items than usual, but seriously, it seems like the city has increased its role in development in major ways and the Board of Estimates seems to have as much role in development as the Plan Commission. Check out all these items on tonight's agenda. Too bad we aren't applying an equity lens to these projects yet - the items that benefit the community the most and impact low income people the most have the least amount of money being spend on them, one project actively works against equity and 2 projects that are the biggest ticket items have no direct equity value at all to the city. Where is that equity tool when we need it?!

Who attended the Neighborhood Summit?

One spin, from Tim Cooley, the Economic Development Director would be that it was only 10% of the neighborhoods in the city. Here's some facts for you to determine for yourself . . . pesky facts.