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The most prolific “tagger” in Madison is…

Greg Tracy, local Madison entrepreneur and budding civic hacker, (seriously, check out SMSMyBus) took a photo and asked the hypothetical, "is the city itself the...

Alternate, Alternate Resolution for Overture

And SCFL (South Central Federation of Labor) approves . . . This came out late Wednesday . . . From: Schmidt, Chris Sent: Wednesday, November...

Board of Estimates Recap

Annoyed blogger.

Parisi endorsed by Planned Parenthood

I'm surprised by the endorsements coming out, since many are waiting til after the primary.

Changing Four Laws to make B-Cycle Legal

You knew it was coming. 4 laws "Thus far" need to be changed. The bikes aren't allowed where they want to put them, the signs don't comply with the sign code, a charter ordinance is needed to advertise in the Right of Way and something about the permit process. You can't make this stuff up.

School Lessons

You'd think when you looked at the meeting sections of a website, they'd post all the meetings there. No, some are, the rest are in the Library tab, under legal notices . . . and apparently, there are still more meetings that aren't listed in either place. No wonder no one runs for school board in Madison, its like some magical mystical secret club and you need to know the password to get in. I asked for a secret decoder ring, hopefully it arrives in the mail soon!

Cottage Grove – open for clients…

Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, and honest lobbyist, and an old drunk were walking along when they simultaneously spotted a hundred-dollar bill ...

Big Share Today! Think Tenant Resource Center! (Updated with Winners!)

Or any of the other 70 great Community Shares organizations, its so hard to choose! TRC staff has taken over my facebook page, enjoy their silliness and see below to see how you can help us by donating during certain times of the day and the "prizes" you can win . . . we already have our first winner!!!!

Mo’ Meetings

3 more . . . grrrrr . . . this is just insulting to the public. No worries, just voting and policing issues. Mostly just civil right type stuff. Nothing to get your knickers in a bunch about . . .

Dane County Recount Report

Here is a report from Steve Brist in the City Attorney's office.

This Board of Estimates is Different Recap (Part II)

Sister cities, farming city parks, BREWD grant for Royster Clark, Development Review Process Report, undergrounding utilities (who pays and how the work gets done)...

What a Goofy Press Release

"Click it or Ticket" is about what?