Home Media Page 348


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

November Elections: What’s At Risk?

It seems like more than ever!

Wineke Says He’s Raising the Most Money Per Day

But not the most money.

County Week Ahead

12 meetings, 8 at 5:00 or after! Best ratio I've seen in a long time!

County Week Ahead

Lots of meetings, but only 10 of theme at 5:30 or after so I'm not sure who has the "luxury" to attend these meetings.

Dane County Affordable Housing Summit

Mark your calendars and register now . . . tho I'm not sure they really want people from Madison or advocates there . . .

Rep. Gannon said what?

MADISON – Today, Representative Bob Gannon released a statement saying, “Wisconsin does not have a death penalty law, but with significant practice and careful aim, law abiding citizens can help clean our society of these scum bags.” Rep. Chris Taylor (D-Madison) released the following statement:

Can they really hold Senators in Contempt?

Here's a legal opinion saying why they can't . . .

Seven Families Sue Kipp

Lawsuit filed over dangerous levels of contamination.

Back to Work Week Ahead

My blogging is about to get really crappy as TRC is about to get really, really busy for the next three months and we have the least amount of staff we have had in probably 10 years.

Baldwin -> Pocan -> Taylor . . . Roys -> ?

Let the games begin! The dominos are falling. I sure hope that this all works out . . .

County Week Ahead

Only 3 meetings with agendas . . . only one meeting not during the traditional work day.

City Operating Budget Initial Presentations (Part 2)

Here we go again . . . I missed the public input in favor of the police, hard to get here on time! Alders are also slowly trickling in.