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Last Minute Voting Info

Sent to neighborhood leaders to help with questions about today . . .

1852 – much different than today?

A friend of mine sent me this little blast from the past - sounds like they had rental problems way back then as well.

Long Overdue Round Up

You're probably wondering why I'm slacking . . . well, I've been sick for the last week. If you go to a...

SCFL on Overture

South Central Federation of Labor has a thing or two to say . . .

Mo’ Meetings!

Yeah, its Wednesday, not much of the week left, but here's 2 more, that makes 9 this week, which might be a new record, a full 31% of the meetings this week!!! Grrrrrrrrr.

Overture! Public Comment & Ad Hoc Committee Report

Live blogged.

Elevator Disruption

Everyone's favorite elevator . . . to be fixed . . .and cause some disruption.

Joe Parisi: How Would Dane County Be Different?

Question One: If elected, at this time next year, what are three things that would be different about Dane County as a result of your actions?

Irony of the Week – $1.2M Monona Terrace Restroom Improvements

$1.2M to improve restrooms at the Monona Terrace - and its too much to provide restrooms for homeless who have used up their days in shelter and have no place to go. Really? This is just sick. Where are our priorities? The council will be voting on this on Tuesday.

Mo’ Meetings – Not on “Weekly Schedule”

Alleged "weekly schedule" incomplete yet again . . .

Mo’ Meetings

Of course . . . sigh . . .

Jail Resolution Proposed Amendments

Jenni Dye has amendments for Health and Human Needs tonight, I expect that the same amendments might be attempted at Personnel and Finance as well.