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Another Death This Week: Silly Call-In Procedures

Makes me cringe with all the bad news and changes for homeless folks right before a holiday weekend when they feel forgotten and left out. This one is a good change, but change is hard for anyone, and for some folks, change is extremely difficult. Leads to increased anxiety and instability. But, this is a good one! Just wish the official news wasn't coming out today

Council Recap

Honoring resolutions, liquor licenses, committee appointments, Biolink TIF requirements removed and the City-County tax collection dispute with a goofy Pham-Remmele/Mayor exchange and [BK comments].

County Week Ahead.

Sorry, I've been kind of delinquent on the county end of things, my social life was in overdrive.

Yay! County Board Budget Amendments in Advance!

Three committees talking budget tonight have their amendments out in advance! Thank you!

Marquette Neighborhood Meeting on the “Broken” Process

I hope many more neighborhoods are finding time to do this, but the timeline was really short to get feedback. I'd say they should hold the meetings even if they miss the deadline, as the discussion will continue for the next few months.

Affordable Housing Development Fund Listening Sessions

Where should Dane County spend its money on affordable housing and homeless services?

Alleged Gang Members Denied Due Process

This is an awful policing tactic, why bother with evidence and probable cause and all those pesky rights and due process afforded people in our criminal justice system if you can just accuse them of something they have not done yet and get them deported without letting them have an opportunity to defend themselves . . . and this time, its not the Sheriff, its the Madison Police Department . . .

Report from Community Services Committee

Mostly, there was 3.5 hours of testimony about how the cuts would impact agencies, then a lot of confusion and then they got kicked out of the building.

City Week Ahead – Or 70% of it?!

A little distracting this weekend, sorry this is late . . . I suspect the rest of the week will be the same way.

How Are We Doing with Diversity On Our Committees?

Women, people of color and people with disabilities all are under-represented on our city committees, so says a new report.

$25 State Bike Fee Possible

A followup question from Rep. Nygren to the DOT about raising fees on bicyclists has been answered in a recent Legislative Fiscal Bureau Paper...

County Week Ahead

19 meetings, 8 before 4:00, 2 after 5:30. Not good for community participation - assuming they want that. Not.