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Will CDA Raid the Affordable Housing Trust Fund?

CDBG is considering this issue again tonight, and I'm not the only one concerned about the CDA raiding the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. I'll try to catch you up on the issue.

BREAKING NEWS: Lawsuit Filed Against City on Edgewater

I gotta say, he'd have been a fool not to. Just got off the phone with the person who filed . . .

Wisconsin Transportation Spending Graph

This chart I found at  Milwaukee Rising says it all: Click the graphic for a larger view.  The graph is from a 2010 WISDOT report on transportation budget...

Mo’ Meetings

As per usual . . . three more . . .
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 4/24/223

County legislative agenda making its way through the process and several other meetings this week.

City Week Ahead

Sorry this is late, our site was down and I couldn't blog! Oh my!

Racial Equity Tool Revealed!

So, we've been talking about equity lens and tools for quite some time, and they did a practice run on and equity analysis on the public market (I have to admit I didn't look at that til now). But this is the first public explanation of the equity analysis tool that I have seen on a city agenda. It's the first time I saw the tool and questions (long form, short form) I probably missed the public market one because their agendas come out late every week and I don't always go back and look.

Step Right Up…..

Wisconsin, the original headquarters of Ringling Brothers circus, which has brought us such acts as Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Zip...

“Eutheanize Welfare Kids”? Seriously?

Fighting Poverty Coalition, Madison Urban Ministy, Community Action Coalition of South Central Wisconsin, UTI (Union de Trabajadores Inmigrantes), Take Back the Land - Madison, Freedom Inc, Progressive Dane and our many and growing coalition members are speaking up, because this is unacceptable.

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

The Mayor and Alder Palm will be absent . . . this list seems a bit decieving as they are only excluding the language access plan, but they will likely spend time on development and alcohol issues.

County Housing Plan?

Now is the time to get involved! The Comp Plan Steering committee is getting input from committees and since they didn't do anything since they passed the plan 5 years ago, now is the time to make this a priority and give it teeth!

Overture Agreement

All the gory details.