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This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Talkin’ Taxes

3 Polish guys named Dave (hey, the Mayor said it, not me) and the tiff between the City and County on quarterly tax payments for the City of Madison and the E word. Talking to Lucy Mathiak about the Schools and the Edgewater TIF.

Paul Soglin’s First Substantive Legislation

From tomorrow's council agenda. One for city staff. Restoring the cut of Arthur Ross's position. Mayor Dave unceremoniously cut his position from the...

CDBG Input for 5 year plan

I ended up writing it out, won't make the meeting tonight, so thought I would share. Please take the survey monkey survey and send in your comments!

Fighting to Put Homeless Services Where the Homeless Can’t Reach Them

Dane County Takes Legal Action to Stop Town of Madison Continued Obstruction of Homeless Day Resource Center

Mayor’s Bike Trip . . . The Costs Revealed.

All is revealed . . . kinda . . . sorta . . . 6 months late.

Need An Attorney, Ask the Court to Appoint One!

Usually, they only appoint attorneys in criminal cases or in guardian ad litem cases, but now, you can (and should in some cases) ask...

Financing Voodoo for the Edgewater – $66 Million!

No big deal, don't pay attention. Won't effect us.

City Week Ahead

7 meetings you might be able to make it to if you work til 5:00. 21 total meetings.

What will the Council Talk About Tonight? Police? Police? Police? (Updated)

Here's the (non) consent agenda items and three attachments.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 12/18/23

County board back in full swing after only one meeting last week, includes a county board meeting

City Week Ahead

Only three meetings start after 5:00 this week, all three are at 5:30 this evening.

Sights and Sounds from #Justice4Tony

I missed the first evening, but I have video from Saturday, Sunday and Monday. More video coming, including the awesome testimony at the Police and Fire Commission, plus, upcoming events to know about.