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1st Time in 8 years! Cost of Living Increases for Nonprofits

Right as we're (Tenant Resource Center) getting defunded . . . yeah, that makes sense!

Town of Madison: 2 Votes on Day Center Tonight (CORRECTED)

Looks like the Town of Madison Board has two votes on their agendatonight for the proposed (allegedly done deal?) Day Center at 1490 Martin St. Number 100 gets to freeze outside and the county will be charged when the ambulance is called to haul them to the morgue.

School Board Week Ahead

Um . . . there is nothing on the meetings page, but this is on the Library page.

Awful Federal Housing News

It will be interesting to see how this impacts Madison, looks like we could be losing Section 8 vouchers and maybe some staff. There were also cuts to CDBG (8%) funding as well. Looks like they cut 100% of the funds for Economic Development Initiative, Brownfields Redevelopment, Energy Innovation Fund and Hope VI - which I believe the city was working on an application for Truax for (not sure which fiscal year. Wonder if the council took this into consideration in passing its budget - I didn't hear it mentioned.

One Year Stronger, County Week Ahead

Sorry I skipped last week - too busy. It's hard to feel bad tho when most of the agendas are either incomprehensible due to alphabet soup or jammed with reports and updates

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Items people show up to talk about and . . .

Central Library and Budget Meetings

Get these in your calendar if you're interested!

Victory at the Capitol, For now . . .

Victory for free speech in State Capitol - Unconstitutional Capitol access policies struck down: From Chris Taylor

End of Slow Week Friday Morning Round Up

Here's what I have . . .

Approving Edgewater’s “Public Improvements”

Board of Public Works items on the Council agenda can be some of the least informative, so I'm not sure I really know what is proposed to be approved but here is what I do know . . . and it includes our first glimpse of the "Public Access Management Agreement"

What’s next? (for homeless at CCB)

I. have. no. clue. Clearly, Occupy Madison exhausted all our options . . . which is why we started building tiny houses. Occupy got...

Mayor’s State of the City Address

For those of you who are not members of the Rotary or invited by one of them . . .