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Big Share Today! Think Tenant Resource Center! (Updated with Winners!)

Or any of the other 70 great Community Shares organizations, its so hard to choose! TRC staff has taken over my facebook page, enjoy their silliness and see below to see how you can help us by donating during certain times of the day and the "prizes" you can win . . . we already have our first winner!!!!

Mo’ Meetings

3 more . . . grrrrr . . . this is just insulting to the public. No worries, just voting and policing issues. Mostly just civil right type stuff. Nothing to get your knickers in a bunch about . . .

Dane County Recount Report

Here is a report from Steve Brist in the City Attorney's office.

This Board of Estimates is Different Recap (Part II)

Sister cities, farming city parks, BREWD grant for Royster Clark, Development Review Process Report, undergrounding utilities (who pays and how the work gets done)...

What a Goofy Press Release

"Click it or Ticket" is about what?

Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorses Vicky

Recently the Wisconsin Professional Police Association Endorsed Vicky Selkowe "In a crowded field of outstanding candidates, Vicky Selkowe's experience and expertise are second-to-none," said WPPA...

“This Fourth of July is yours, not mine.”

Samuel Johnson's pronouncement about patriotism being "the last refuge of the scoundrel" has been widely misinterpreted - he was actually denigrating members of the...

Depressing Housing and Homelessness Facts

As we are putting together our Housing is a Human Right Resolution (still draft for a few more days) we are gathering facts about housing in the Dane County area, and its depressing. And, I have two anecdotes to share to drive that home.

Mo Meetings

And several cancellations . . .

Operating Budget Department Requests – Part III

Ok, one more post after this one, see part 1 and part 2 for more info.

James Madison Park Houses

Final action on what will happen?

Madison Metro (Buses) = National Guard Recruiting Center?

Ok, I've been watching people report in . . . and here's what I've heard so far.