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Capital Budget Part two . . . Edgewater gets $3.3M, not $16M.

Sorry, see part one, technical issues . . . missed a bunch of amendment 11, but will pick it back up now.

Work is Kicking My Butt

Sorry, I'll return to regular blogging by Wednesday, maybe even tomorrow . . . I've hired some temp people to help out and it...

County Week Ahead

5 meeting at 5:30 or after.

East Side – Lights Out!

Ok, Eastsiders!! It may be a little dark in your 'hood tonight. Be careful! From: Dettmann, Dan Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 2:07 PM To:...

County Week Ahead

13 meetings, half before 4:00.

No Room at the Inn.

15 nights this year, families were turned away from the Salvation Army's overflow shelter, because even the overflow homeless shelter was full. Why is it that families and children get turned away, but single men have multiple overflow shelters? And the men's shelter doesn't turn anyone away when it gets too cold but the families have a strict lifetime limit in shelter.

Mayor, Economic Development Committee and Development Process

The Mayor visited the Economic Development Committee yesterday to talk about his State of the City Address and his charge to the committee to look at the development review process. He answered questions and they discussed how they would get this done by Labor Day. [With BK comments]

Chemical Treatment to save your Ash Tree becomes cheaper

A little wonky, and specific, but relevant to some. And could help change what our city looks like in 10 years!

Fighting to Put Homeless Services Where the Homeless Can’t Reach Them

Dane County Takes Legal Action to Stop Town of Madison Continued Obstruction of Homeless Day Resource Center

The Mayor’s First Public Hearing on the Budget!

How'd it go? You're never going to believe it!

Brief Plan Commission Recap

As I'm writing this, they're still talking and I just didn't feel like typing 5or 6 or more hours so I watched the meeting and here's the highlights.

Occupy Madison to Be Shut Down Today? (Updated)

They don't plan to apply for a permit. You might want to get down there if you care and you can.