Home Media Page 351


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Neighborhood Summit on the “Broken” Process

Here's the official invite.

School Week Ahead

There is no attachment in the "library" under legal notice for this week. So, the only meetings listed here are the ones under "featured" and "meetings" (which are not the same)

New Rule – Voting

New Rule: When the Wisconsin Republican Party, prosecutes BS likes this: n the town of Albion, new residents and young people who have...

Johnson/Gorham Two-Way Study Discussion at the Council Meeting

From last night's meeting, with bk comments.

County Week Ahead

13 meetings, 2 agendas missing, 4 meetings before 5:00.

Two Overture Meetings Tomorrow

Council Workgroup and Overture Development Corporation.

Downtown/Lake Monona Rhythm & Booms?

Public Forum tonight.

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

According to the consent agenda, only one thing . . . I bet that's not right.

Council Recap – MInus the Church Wars (Part 1)

The rest of the meeting was done by 8:10 . . .

City Citizen Input to be Limited?

I've been hearing rumblings, but yesterday at the Common Council Organizational Committee (CCOC) there was a proposal to reduce the number of committee members...

WTF? Madison has a 9.5:1 Arrest Ratio

That means blacks are 9..5 times more likely to be arrested than whites. Dane County average is 8:1. Ferguson 2.8. WTF? (sorry chief, if deserves an f-bomb!)

City Budget Week Ahead

Budget meetings Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday make it so there are very few other meetings this week beyond tonight.