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Tuesday Morning Round Up

All the news you can . . . I was going to say use . . . but I'm not sure some of it is all that useful. Here's what I've got.

One of the Best Services in Low-Income Neighborhoods . . .

Another casualty of the County budget?

Bad Aldering & Misleading on Edgewater TIF

I sat through the Landmarks Committee meeting yesterday, and it was hard to stay in my seat and keep my mouth shut. I was stunned by the misinformation my own alder gave the committee about capital budget requests and the Edgewater TIF plan the council is voting on tonight.

Do you want monthly water bills?

It'll probably help your finances a whole lot better than the tax bill item them Mayor has arguing with the county over, but its not in his budget. The council will get a briefing on it tomorrow, even tho its not on the weekly meeting schedule . . . yet . . .

The Problem with George Austin & the Public Market Square

Has nothing to do with George Austin . . . per se.

Weekend Round Up

Well, here's the media's version, further edited by me, about what you need to know about local issues!

Edgewater Round Up

Yeah, it just won't go away . . . it's at the Council meeting Tuesday, UDC Wednesday, going back to Landmarks soon, and of course, the Joint Review Board on the 29th. And the management agreement still has to be approved by Plan Commission and Council.

City Maintains AAA Bond Rating

Yup . . . no surprise . . .

The County Week Ahead

It's so hard to know what is of interest, since there are no attachments and its hard to find information about the agenda item . . . but here's my best educated guess about what is of interest.

The City Week Ahead

The first full week in a while where there wasn't a holiday or date where meetings couldn't be scheduled.

“Monkey” Business

Madison, WI is considered by many to be the non-human primate research capitol of the world. Both Covance and UW-Madison utilize thousands of...

Overture Round Up (Updated!)

This is one of the many meetings I didn't make it to last night, but here's some of the information you might be interested...