Home Media Page 352


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City Bans Travel to North Carolina!

So says the Mayor! Standing up for the LGBTQ community, emphasis on the T.

Tonight the Council Will Talk About . . .

Not much. Not much on the agenda since they just met last week. The only thing I expect to be talked about is the "thank you".

Do you live near James Madison Park?

Do you have opinions on what is going on in our neighborhood? Concerned that a landlord/developer who is/was not even a paid member of the neighborhood association was elected the chairperson for the neighborhood group by 7 people? Will the neighborhood vote to support the Edgewater but make it harder for the homeless and the Occupy Madison people? Probably. Last time they spent a great deal of time complaining about the people who bike on Mifflin St. Unless you show up and express a different opinion, these folks represent our neighborhood.

Mo’ Meetings

6 more meetings released in the first 5 hours yesterday. My favorite, is the meeting where the plan commission is talking about public input, which won't be televised and the public probably won't know that they're doing it. Sigh . . .

Support the Scene – 3/17 – 3/19

Thursday March 17th I know I did not post anything last week, I was busy with band stuff. We opened the show for Jackie Greene...

What will the council discuss tonight?

Not much.

King Soglin Declares He’s Removing Art Installation at the top of State St.

Chief Koval requested it. Apparently art deigned to engage the public is attracting the wrong type of public and now its bad art to be removed. Note to artists: Your art must only attract the approved kind of people. The second piece of City installed art ever to be decommissioned if I have my facts correct. No public discussion, no public input, just gone!

Local Officials Speak Out Against Pridemore’s Arizona Style Immigration Law

A County Board Supervisor and City of Madison Alder make a statement. Good to see their leadership on this.

SB107 Won’t Create Jobs, Just More Work

At the Tenant Resource Center today, we will be watching the State Assembly hearing today while trying to do our other work. We're just waiting for the hundredth shoe to drop, so we can start updating all our written materials

Alders Dissed Harder than Neighborhoods and Committees

Wow, this is just embarrassing at this point . . . it's like they can't stop making the whole "broken process" issue worse . . .

Sights and Sounds, Day Four Labor Rallies

Wow, it just keep going and growing . . .

Reality of the New Tenant Landlord Laws Sinking In

One painful interaction at a time.