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Time to Start Thinking about the 2013 Budget

Yes, by the end of the week, survey's will be out, meetings scheduled and the city will be looking for your input.

Limited County Week Ahead

Only 6 meetings.

Voter Registration Allowed for One Week Starting Today!

From the city clerk, they need people who can help register people to vote for the next week if you have some time!

Fancy New City Software

Have you seen it yet? New ways to find out city legislative information . . .

Panhandling Ordinance Delayed

Legal issues . . .

With Friends like These . . .

The Homeless Issues Committee has had two meetings and voted on three different resolutions so far . . . and as expected, the Homeless Issues Committee is supportive of solutions for various homeless issues . . . for the most part. The interesting thing is the people on the committee that voted against the solutions.

What the City Council is Talking About Tonight

September 18, 2012 Common Council Meeting Proposed Consent Agenda Exclusions

Soglin Explains His 25% Number

I just had to ask, and he answered.

Anyone Want to Coordinate the City’s Housing Policy?

We have a Housing Strategy Committee and a housing coordinator for the city, right? Wrong.

Stand Up or Stand Aside?

New Madison Metro military recruiting ads . . .

How to Get Boots to a Homeless Person

I have to say, as angry as I can get at most local politicians for burying their heads in the sand when it comes to homelessness, I am 100 times more proud of those ordinary people who find it unacceptable and are doing something about it . . . check out this one little example from yesterday.

AHAA Endorsement: District 6

Marsha Rummel v. Scott Thornton