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County Week Ahead

Lots of meetings this week, County Board is doing their budget - they have scheduled Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for meetings, but they will likely be done tonight - in less than 2 hours, probably less than an hour.

Occupy vs. Dane Co. Parks = Mischief Managed

Ok, I guess all is good now. ?

Sept 16th EDC Public Hearing on development process

EDC Public Hearing of September 16th. The EDC had a public hearing on the development process review that they’re undertaking. It's a little late, but I've still got 30 minutes before the next EDC meeting on the subject. Here's the "too long; didn't read" (tl;dr) summary: The process isn't broken, everyone agrees that the neighborhoods should participate, and that the neighborhoods need more training/and or support to be effective partners, and that above all, we need to do better on keeping everyone on message that "Madison is a good place to do development". A second point: no one could point to specific instances or examples of how the process has gotten worse. Instead, it's all "this is what we hear" and other anecdotal "evidence." Hopefully everyone keeps that in mind before any radical changes are implemented. Read on for the full details.

Council Passes Uber/Lyft Ordinance Despite State Legislature Threat

They're hoping that Racine, Green Bay and others will join with Madison to preserve their local control. The ordinance passed (15-5) essentially levels...

Mo’ Meetings

Two from yesterday, but check back, there's likely to be more . . . .

Edgewater: Not over

Will they, or won’t they?

Um, that City Housing Committee . . . can they manage to meet to disband themselves in their current format?

Whoville and Eugene SLEEPS

Also in Eugene, is something that will look more familiar to Madison . . .

Jail Reform Recommendations

A quick summary.

Edible Landscapes, Take II

Will nuts and berries planted on city land win over the fear of bee stings and slipping on a rotten piece of fruit?

School Board Week Ahead

One meeting, on Monday, as per usual. This week, Operations Work Group.

Tonight the Council Will Talk About . . .

Not much. Not much on the agenda since they just met last week. The only thing I expect to be talked about is the "thank you".