Why I’m voting for Spencer Coggs on Tuesday
I had a long and complicated piece mostly written on the race for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor, but I’m going to go...
County Board Week Ahead
No shortage of meetings here either. 25 meetings plus maybe more on Friday, I couldn't get to the second page, kept getting a...
Security Deposit Problems?
Yeah . . . you and everyone else!
Lets All Meet on Thursday Week Ahead!
12 City meetings in one day, including two big public hearings and I'm sure they'll add more meetings to it. Brilliant planning by "leadership".
Blaska/Mahoney’s War on “Illegals”
The recent dust up at LaFollette West, with a LaFollete student got Blaska blathering again . . . or did he, himself, say "whining" . . . .
Illegal Meeting?
I see a newspaper reports of a meeting. And I see the weekly schedule and that meeting isn't on the weekly schedule.
Mayor Dave Perfects the Snub
Ok maybe you think its no big deal when he holds a press conference in an alders district and instead of inviting the alder,...
Amazingly offensive, even for Blaska
What possesses a person to write a sentence like this?
Long Overdue Round Up, Part II
Still going . . . have some more since I haven't done this since . . . . last Thursday . . . I...
Long Overdue Round Up
You're probably wondering why I'm slacking . . . well, I've been sick for the last week. If you go to a...
Blaska’s Baffoonery
From yesterday's post, two items. Taxicabs and RTA.