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What the Council Will Be Talking About Tonight (Updated)

Here's the items that they want to talk about, the rest of the items will likely be on the "consent agenda" unless someone shows up to speak on an issue or an alder pulls it off for some reason.

Operating Budget – Public Health

A joint meeting of the Board of Estimates for the City and the Personnel and Finance Committee for the county - except the later does not have quorum. The meeting is to approve the Dane County and City of Madison Public Health Department Budget. Read on, you can read the rant about the "hobos"!

City Week Ahead

3 days, 17 meetings, 2 cancelled, 5 held at times people with day jobs can't attend and XX? will be added on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Stolen from Cap Times who Stole if from Blue Jean Nation

Mike McCabe: You and I can't run for governor. 3 big reasons.

City Week Ahead

25 meetings . . . that we currently know of . . .

What a Nightmare Job!

Ok, I think this is needed, but yikes, I don't know who would be a good person for this job - they'd have to be completely and totally politically tone deaf and yet quick on their feet to avoid the political nightmare this could become.

3 Changes to the City Week Ahead

You know the routine . . . the "weekly schedule" is anything but . . .

City Week Ahead

Only a dozen meetings? Spring Break effect, or . . . will more pop up throughout the week? Half of them start before 5pm.
dane county week ahead

Dane County Week Ahead 1/30/23

County Board gets high speed rail presentation and a few other meetings this week, also kinda sleepy with the fifth Monday and Tuesday.

More Likely to be Accurate County Week Ahead

25 meetings this week.

City Week Ahead

Late post today due to 50th Anniversary of the Grateful Dead shows all weekend and a 10:30 work meeting on my day off . . . but the three meetings added late this morning are now included.

Water Utility Plans for $6M Deficit

Sigh . . . how the hell did we get here? The Water Utility "became aware" of a cash flow deficit during their audit and their solution is to sell a bunch of property and raise rates to cover the $6 million? This seems a little strange to me. The the water utility director is "surprised"? The council will be getting a briefing tonight.