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2 More Common Council Candidates

Possible primary in district one.

First Casualty of New Policy

Not enough time to get liquor permit, event cancelled. Bummer, because Tenant Resource Center would have gotten part of the proceeds

City 5 year Parks and Open Space Plan

I feel like I've been in the dark. I've gotten at least 15 emails in the last few months on the county parks and open space plan, but didn't realize the city is getting ready to pass theirs too. They asked for input last February, but I haven't heard anything much beyond that until last night, and I'm not sure I liked what I heard.

Dane County Board Budget Deliberations – Operating Budget

Here's the the lovely details of the few amendments made from the floor. . . they passed their operating budget in 35 minutes. No public testimony.

New Council and Mayor First Meeting Recap

And Mayor Soglin was in his seat and started the meeting on time!

Extra Meetings added for this week.

Two of them are tomorrow. Cutting it close.

State Budget Information Forum

Tonight from 7:30 - 9:30.

TONIGHT! Winter 4, No Plan? No Permanent Comprehensive Day Center?

Can you imagine, we're going into winter number 4 with no comprehensive day center, no plans of what to do for the winter, and our heads stuck in the sand. Let's see if we can change that TONIGHT!

Scott McDonell Starts Running TV Ads

A link to the ad included.

Debate Scheduled for District 48

Election dates to fill Parisi's seat finally announced! July 12th for the primary, August 9th for the general. So, time to have a debate!

New Record for Changes to the City Week Ahead!

14 this week!

Court Cases for the Revolution

Here's the dates/times on two of them: