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In Support of Take Back the Land

Organizations come out in support of Take Back the Land and their attempts to show how the banksters can't have it both ways. They got the bail outs and the homes! They are calling for an apology from Alder Lisa Subeck and creative leadership from her and the Mayor.

Don’t forget to vote today!

There will be short lines, won't take long!! I suggest vote Feingold, Ozanne and Miles.

Madison Metro Schools Week Ahead

I just realized that I shouldn't be calling this "Madison Schools" since it doesn't really cover Madison in the way most of us think about it!

The City’s Secret Committee

This has been bugging me for a while, my (kinda) open records request was also denied, but the real issue is that the business community has a member on the committee, but the neighborhoods don't. And I think they are in violation of the open meetings law. Thanks to Joe Tarr for his article and reminding me to look into this again. I'll share the little info I do have.

Rent Party and . . .

Megin McDonell is leaving the Tenant Resource Center Celebration! (Whoa! Big changes!)


The talks between the Town of Cottage Grove and the Village of Cottage Grove have been continually advancing (as has the cost to the...

City 5 year Parks and Open Space Plan

I feel like I've been in the dark. I've gotten at least 15 emails in the last few months on the county parks and open space plan, but didn't realize the city is getting ready to pass theirs too. They asked for input last February, but I haven't heard anything much beyond that until last night, and I'm not sure I liked what I heard.

City Week Ahead – 28 or 29 meetings

I had technical difficulties yesterday as I was out of town and had internet connections issues . . . so sorry its late. However, I did do it in its entirety since it Monday was already done.

Benches have to be removed, but not . . .

Check this out, in the hallway, leading up to the clerks office there is this . . . and it was there last week too.

Neighborhood Meeting on Hovde Proposal/Downtown Firestation

Neighborhood meeting . . . Thursday. Busy week.

About those City Budget Conversations . . .

They seem really poorly attended this year, which just means if you have a special issue, you'll get all the more attention!

Summer is Over County Week Ahead

Three days of meetings as well, but none yesterday, so I procrastinated til today.