Be the Media!
I'm not kidding. You can be the media . . . radio, tv, blog . . . your choice!
It kind of sucks to...
Hammes Company/Edgewater wants you to know!
About the Downtown Plan . . . which means you should probably be paying close attention, I wonder what else they want ....
Wednesday News Round Up
A little more news today . . .
Extra Meetings this Week
By 8:20 Monday morning, there were three new meetings . . . seriously . . . why can't these meetings get noticed by Friday afternoon along with everything else?
Where’s the News?! Round Up
Hard to round up . . . when there is not. much. there.
What’s Going on at the County?
Last week, not only did I have a little chat with County Board Chair Scott McDonell . . . I also had a little chat with County Executive Kathleen Falk . . . check it out!
Report from Community Services Committee
Mostly, there was 3.5 hours of testimony about how the cuts would impact agencies, then a lot of confusion and then they got kicked out of the building.
Board of Estimates Recap
TiVo'd, but it was a much shorter meeting than I had anticipated . . . Edgewater TID and Affordable Housing Trust Fund raid by CDA referred. Money for McDonald's approved.
Are Police Going to Start Ticketing the Homeless for Sleeping?
I wish I had more time to dig into this issue, but here's what I know . . .
Am I Running for Mayor?
It is a question I get asked daily these days . . .
Pham-Remmele v Schumacher
Oh yeah . . . too good not to share . . .
Ugly Picture for Funding for Local Non-Profits
At the last public hearing on the budget, the Mayor seemed confused by non-profits coming forward saying they were getting cut by 20 and 30%. He said we'd be held harmless this year. Too bad he's not paying better attention. Here's a taste of who is getting cut at the moment . . . Community Services Commission meets tonight to decide who might get additional funding. When we have 17% of our population in the City of Madison living in poverty, this is ugly, ugly news.