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Overture Updates

This is from yesterday . . . update on Thursday, Friday and Saturday meetings . . .

Changes to the Weekly (City) Schedule

Imagine that! Water Utility meeting for today canceled, not properly noticed.Nice job council office staff and leadership . . . ya gotta get...

New Judge Doyle Square Report Is Out

They are asking to continue negotiating until May. Here the memo and City - Negotiating Team Report Appendices 11.3.14">attachments and highlights.

Fair Wisconsin . . . Not Fair?

Fair Wisconsin often has progressives rolling their eyes about their endorsements that usually follow the Democratic Party endorsements. This one, has me scratching my head . . .

More Rules Don’t Apply to the Chief

How is it that our chief law enforcement officer, Police Chief Mike Koval doesn't have to follow the rules? First, he gets found guilty, but gets no punishment. (that never happens to you and me) And now, the good ol' boys want to grant him further privileges, and $22,000, for being found guilty? The council should be thanking Sharon Irwin and Shadyara Kilfoy-Flores for doing what they didn't have the guts to do, and they should pay their legal bills - and it would likely be far less than $22,000.

Where Do D20 Alder Candidates Stand on Bicycling Infrastructure?

A couple weeks ago I sent a quick questionnaire to the two District 20 Alder Candidates, Dave Glomp and Matt Phair:  Can you tell me...

Why Teachers Need a Union –

Now that Act10 has been enacted making it next to impossible for teachers to bargain teachers are going to be left vulnerable. ...

What a GREAT! Bill

Of course, it has no chance of passing. Just had to point this out. SB511 actually does something good - so it wouldn't...

Bubbles Update

Services will continue through October and hopefully beyond! While Madison Homelessness Initiative is backing off after creating and running Project Bubbles for 5 years - volunteers are stepping up with time and money for it to continue, perhaps with changes.

City Week Ahead – It’s Labor Week!

We'll see if it is anywhere close to accurate.

Jail Reform Recommendations

A quick summary.

Whoa, What Just Happened?

Occupy. Summons, Complaint, Motion for Temporary Restraining Order and Brief in Support filed, parties served (they deny it), hearing held, no order issued but an agreement reached that people can stay past noon on Monday (til 4:00), structures (hoophouses) can stay til Wedensday at noon no matter what and after a hearing on Monday at 4:00 they may be able to stay even longer!