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Pathetic Public Process, Again

So, last Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving, I attended the meeting of the Urban Design Commission to hear the latest on the 700 E Washington/Gebhardt project. I showed up at 5:20 at the same time as 2 of the 4 members of the public that showed up - and the item scheduled for 5:25 had already finished the presentation and taken public comment.

City Week Ahead

Lots of cancellations and missing agendas - its that time of year . . .

MPD’s Constant Need for More Officers – Why I’d vote no tonight.

It seems the police are constantly shifting the ground under the policy makers about why they need more officers. And because the elected officials change all the time, they don't see the tactics that have taken place over time. Let this old timer explain . . . I've been fighting "more police" since 2001 and during that time they have added 94 more sworn officers. We've gone from 1.6 officers per 1000 in 1994 to 1.9 officers per 1000 in 2016. The budget has grown from about $35,000,000 to $70,000,000 in that time. When will it stop? There is always an excuse or a reason usually based on fear - let me run them down for you.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Round Up

Bad blogging week for me, internet and webhosting issues - so here's the round up that has a little older news included.

County Week Ahead

18 meeting, some at such lovely times as 3:00, 3:45, 8am, noon, 9 and 12:15 . . . public friendly?

How to Close the Achievement Gap

There is no doubt that almost every agrees this is an issue for the school district. Just not on how to get there. Tonight we get to hear Dan Nehrad's take on it . . . in Fitchburg, where the buses don't run.

Johnson/Gorham Traffic Study Informational Meeting Tonight

Well, this kinda snuck up on me . . . not sure I can make it but . . . Looks like 9...

What Will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Items people show up to talk about and . . .

Porchlight Breathalyzers

Uly explains why staying at Porchlight is problematic.

County Executive Asks Alders to Vote Against Tax Collection Changes

Let's work together! Except I oppose what you want to do.

I see a budget cut

Why do we pay for this?

Seven, bwa, ha, ha ha, ha

I feel like the count from Sesame Street . . . Seven changes to the joke that is called the "weekly schedule" for the city.