Home Media Page 36


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

County Week Ahead

20 meetings, 2 cancelled - seems to be that time of the year! About half are before 5pm

City Week Ahead

35 meetings, several cancelled, several don't have agendas and several didn't make it on the clerk's list but are listed in legistar . . . and of course, at least a third of the meetings are held before 5:00 . . . what a mess, I'll try to help make sense of it . . .

How did the County Affordable Housing Funding Get Decided?

I don't recall seeing any information about public presentations or input . . . did a committee review applications? Who's on that committee? Who all applied? What other projects were considered? Where could one find such information?

What Committees Will the County Board Cut?

Which ones are they even considering cutting? You can find out here if you can't make the meeting at noon today!

So . . . Overture Funding Changes . . .

Switching it from the city to Room Tax Commission and cutting the council out of the information loop . . . interesting . . .

MMSD Schools Week Ahead

Maybe. Apparently looking at the legal notices on Monday morning isn't sufficient, you have to look in several places to find out what is really going on.

County Week Ahead

No meetings today, 4 Tuesday, 5 Wednesday, 1 Thursday - of the 10, 5 of them are before 5:00.

City Week Ahead

19 agendas, most are here, not all. Only nine meetings before 5:00 . . . you know, about half . . .

City County Building Lobby & Renaming

Your chance to weigh in on renaming the City-County Building (and part of the jail) after Barack Obama and what your experience is going into the City-County Building and what the lobby should look like will be July 19th at 6:00. More details from Monday night's meeting here - and an idea of what wrong with the lobby besides seating!

What will the Council Talk About Tonight?

Everything on the agenda will be passed in one motion unless someone shows up to speak on an issue or its listed below.

County Week Ahead

15 meetings - some at such lovely times at 8:30am, 9:00am, 12:15pm, 3:00pm and 3:45pm - betcha not one member of the public shows up to any of those meetings unless they are paid to be there.

City Week Ahead

24 meetings, 2 agendas missing.