Home Media Page 36


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Walker Administration Refuses to Open Capitol Basement

From Chris Taylor . . . no surprises, Walker doesn't want the homeless using the Capitol basement.

Parisi’s Appearance – A little Defensive!

This was the first time most people had an opportunity to interact with our County Executive Joe Parisi - here is video of his committee testimony (without my snark) and the beginning (the rockier part) of the 1.5 hour discussion in the hallway, it did get better are this, but he didn't like the video taping.

Fighting Forward: A Labor and Working Class Summit June 12-15

The Labor and Working Class Studies Project (LWCSP) and Working Class Studies Association (WCSA) are proud to announce "Fighting Forward: A Labor and Working Class Summit" to be held June 12-15.

Sally’s Got Some Work to Do

I went to the meeting with the Salvation Army where they met with the neighborhood and explained their move from 600 E. Washington to...

Moving? Protect Your Security Deposit from Carpeting and Painting Charges!

Madison’s “Moving Day“ is this week! Learning the real deal about these common myths can help tenants protect their security deposits and avoid potentially being charged thousands of dollars:

Incomplete City Week Ahead

Yeah, I already know of missing meetings . . . like the Economic Development Committee hearings on the "broken" development process.

Jail Resolution moves Forward Tomorrow Night

Public Protection and Judiciary and Health and Human Needs expected to vote tomorrow night. Personnel and Finance to meet and vote the 23rd and the full county board to vote on Thursday, March 26

County Criminal Justice Work Group Members Announced

Mental Health, Solitary Confinement and Incarceration Work Group, Length of Stay Work Group and Alternatives to Arrest and Incarceration Work Group. I spot some good people on these lists!!!

DO OVER: County Week Ahead

Now that I can see the rest of the agendas . . .

Steve’s Liquor – What does the City Owe Them?

Or Dane County, for that matter. From the council meeting the last week. With a little follow up and some bk comments.

People Work, Mayor Holds Press Conference About their Work?

Sometimes, this mayor is just a little too much. The mayor's holding a press conference today during the time the committees doing the work to be talked about in the press conference will be meeting and doing that work.

Hydrite Meeting Tonight!

Hydrite Chemical is a company that has a location in Cottage Grove that many people are not even aware exists. With the...