Home Media Page 36


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Weekly Round Up

So distracted with the elections, that I have not had time for the usual round up. Here's a round up, non-elections related, not in the media items. Will do an all elections/news round up for this week this weekend

Dane County Executive Candidates Interviews

John Quinlan and myself interviewed Eileen Bruskewitz and Joe Parisi.

City and County Week Ahead

Another short week . . .

Capital Budget Live Blog, of sorts

If I don't live blog it, it won't happen, so this is what you are getting, a lazy live blog of sorts, sorry . . . my job sucks and is sucking it all out of me.

EDC Changes Plans . . . New Hearing Date and Time

Uh . . . duh . . . shows you how close they are following one of their allegedly important issues . . . makes me wonder if they have any credibility discussing planning . . .

What will the Council Talk about Tonight?

Not. Much.

Tenant Resource Center Rent Party Toninght

Join us tonight for our Rent Party, buy a raffle ticket, enjoy some live music (Electric Spanking), free food, cash bar and help us thank Megin McDonell for her more than 14 years of working at the Tenant Resource Center!

In Defense of the Council

I find the Mayor's comments about the Council Overture discussion absolutely offensive. I am not a big fan of this council for many reasons, but this media campaign to blame them is just unfair and dishonest.

Police and Parks Department Should Follow the Law!


Sure to be Inaccurate City Week Ahead

Well, here's what I got.

McDonell Endorsed by Affordable Housing Action Alliance

Only Scott McDonell and Joe Parisi sought the endorsement and Scott McDonell's answers were more substantial came out far ahead. That, along with his record of working on these issues put him over the top. Check out their answers.

Who attended the Neighborhood Summit?

One spin, from Tim Cooley, the Economic Development Director would be that it was only 10% of the neighborhoods in the city. Here's some facts for you to determine for yourself . . . pesky facts.