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Weekly Picket/To Do List

How will you participate in your local government this week? After the election it seems I was barraged with people saying they want to get involved locally to deal with Trump and asking what they should do. It's a hard question to answer, since there is so much going on. Here's some things you might be interested in this week . . . and of course, people are out circulating nomination papers to run for office right now . . . so there's always campaigns to be involved in! (Madison City Council, School Board, Fitchburg and other municipalities)

City Week Ahead

10 meetings this week, which will likely turn into 14 - 18 by the end of the week.

Capital Budget Amendments

Ok, I was a little surprised to see 34 Amendments! Election year antics? Doesn't really look like it. Check out this blog for who is spending the most, the least and other comments about this year's amendments. See how your alder did, or didn't do.

Waiting for MPD . . .

On July 18th I asked Chief Koval if I could assume that they would be looking into disciplinary action for Scott McConnell and Dean Baldukas for their comments calling progressives "assbags", "gloryholing nincompoops" and telling people to go fuck themselves in an on-line petition presented to the Common Council. They said I'd get an answer in 90 days . . . and now policies have disappeared and have been changed. Hmmm . . . and I'm still waiting.

May Day Rally

Madison will March for Immigrant and Workers' Rights on May First

Republican Horror Extends to Animals, Too

The forces of justice and progressivism are more active than they've ever been in response to the Republican state budget. But one issue that has...

City Week Ahead

Still going strong before the holidays - 27 meetings - 3 are cancelled and of course the Police Policy Review Committee agenda is never available on Monday for their Thursday meeting. Only 3 of the meetings are before 4:00, which is also quite unusual!

RTA Draft Plan for Transit

Some anti-RTA folks are trying to play up the lack of specifics in the RTA's plan that recently made the news.  To assuage their...

More Money to Militarize Local Law Enforcement

Tonight the County Public Protection and Judiciary will be approving $47,000 from Federal Homeland Security and Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs for what? "Advanced Tactical Integration Training", whatever that is.

Joe Parisi: 2017 Budget Instructions

I didn't even read it yet, but you know, this year will be one of the toughest budget years ever . . . again. No one can anything to the budget, except when he does it for new awesome programs handpicked by him with no public process.

Trapping in Dane County Parks: Action Needed Tonight

A letter and call to action for tonight - trapping in county parks?

That Good News! A day late . . .

I got a little distracted and didn't get time to give the community the good news! (Of course, you didn't read it in the newspaper! Or see it on TV or hear it on the radio).