Home Media Page 362


This category will push the story out to Forward Lookout’s social media.

Election Officials Needed!

The City Clerk’s Office needs to fill a total of 1,752 Election Official shifts for November 2 General Election!

“Proposed” B-Cycle Locations

Um . . . "proposed" but phase one will be done by Sunday. And phase 2 will be done 10 days later.

Absurd! Housing Market!

OK - LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR, THIS IS NOT A RIP ON PORCHLIGHT, just an indication of the extreme difficulty in finding housing.

The Late (City) Week Ahead (In Progress)

Slowly catching up on everything . . . very . . . slowly . . .

Redistricting Updates

Some of this info has been out for a while, but I was distracted. Here's the maps, public meetings and a legal opinion. MAPS Several...

Not in the news round up

Ok, cleaned up some of my inbox . . . . this is what I've got after sorting out over a weeks worth of 100s of emails. I feel like I might have a handle on my to do list now!

Scott McDonell: County Union Contracts

Bonus question: What are your thoughts on the union contracts approved by the County Board last Thursday.

Don’t Forget to Vote Today!

I'm not sure who I'm am supporting yet! But, please vote! Maybe even twice! :) The City Clerk’s office will hold a...

More Towing Tonight and Tomorrow

I keep hoping that S Few street shows up on the list since one car has screwed up about 3 or 4 parking spots...

County Board Statement on the County Budget

What do you get for $655?

Help Build a Hoop House this Weekend

Gotta hand it to these Occupy folks . . . they are tenacious and creative. And still here!

“Broken” Process Public Hearings Rescheduled

I missed the Economic Development Committee meeting last Wednesday, so I was a bit confused about why the public hearings were not on the...