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The Sure to be Completely Incomplete Week Ahead (City, of course)

I got home last night and looked at the Weekly schedule and the Common Council meeting wasn't even on there yet. No kidding. They've added 5 meetings in an hour this morning, so I'm going to get this one done a little more slowly as more meetings appear. This is absurd, annoying and awful for democracy, but maybe that isn't what the city really wants. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.

Monday Morning Round Up

Catching up from a weekend away . . . slowly . . .

News from the Neighborhood Summit

Don't worry, I'm not dead, dying or deathly ill, I took the weekend off . . . so I missed the Neighborhood Summit.

“Broken” Process Primer

For those of you looking for the background materials and information about the development process, here's a compilation of everything I could think of. It might be helpful to review if you're going to the Neighborhood Summit tomorrow! (Saturday, 9 - noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 1904 Winnebago).

Band Girlfriend Update!

Haven't done this for a while, but I have to admit, it's kinda cool to go to Triple M website and see Baghdad Scuba Review there . . . and there's some good shows coming up. I"m most excited about the show at the Majestic with Soul Shaker.

Mayor Names Committee to Review Overture Center

8 people chosen to review the Overture Center proposal, will council approve them on Tuesday?

Smart Growth Madison’s Recommendations for the “Broken” Process

I got a copy of this, but I never heard them show up in public anywhere and talk about it. So, I'm randomly...

DRAFT Marquette Neighborhood Response to “Broken” Development Process

Here's their initial responses. They are still taking input until tomorrow at noon, so if you live in the neighborhood and have some thing to add, please do! Info on how, below.

More Messed Up Meetings

This time, its the state. Is the High Speed Rail meeting tomorrow about the corridor or the station? Here's another contradicting message from the top.

2 More Meetings this Week with Little Notice

Yeah, they did it, dipped down to the "Weekly Schedule" being only 65% complete on Monday morning. Why isn't the leadership in the city fixing this?

Mayor’s Budget Hearings Start Next Week

He really wants you input, so he's giving you plenty of notice of the meetings that start Monday and holding them in a month where the most people can attend.

Racial Disparities Implementation Team Work

I'd kept half an eye on the Dame County Task Force on Racial Disparities in the Criminal Justice System, but my interest and hope...