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The city week ahead . . .

This was 3/4 of the way done yesterday . . . and I just didn't quite get it done.

$25,000 Overture Report

Here's a quick synopsis and links to the chapters. The consultants will be in town this weekend and at the council meeting on Tuesday.

Last Pre-Primary Dane County Executive Debate Tonight!

United for Funding, a group of coalitions and agencies that work in the human services field will be asking questions about Human Services issues, which is half the county budget.

Free Fair Housing Training

Hey, its free! I'm guessing you can also learn some of the laws that the state legislature took away with SB107. There are still...

Will Council/County Board Chambers Ever Get Fixed Up?

There has been money in the budget for it . . . So what's the deal?

What You Need to Know if Voting Today

Voter ID bill has some changes that go into affect already today . . . so read up on what to expect. This information is for the 48th primarily, but affects everyone.

County Week Ahead

19 meetings, 8 before 4:00, 2 after 5:30. Not good for community participation - assuming they want that. Not.

Overture! 3:15 am, still Committee of the Whole

My computer crashed on me around 3:15, so I took the rest of the half hour or so of notes by hand. These are the motions that were made after they went around the room and took their straw vote of sorts. The alders start getting a little testy at this point.

Help the City Save $8M

No, not this year's TIF for the Edgewater, but another neighborhood issue, this one on the far west side.

McDonell: Corporate Personhood and Money as Speech

Does he support the referendum? Q: Do you support a referendum on restricting corporate contributions in campaigns. Why, or why not? Yes I support...

Dane County Budget Schedule

Mark your calendars for the following important dates!

Search Reopened for Director of Planning and Community and Economic Development

Looks like Olinger could be around a little while longer.