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Spring Bike Fair

Want something less political this weekend, on May Day, this might be it.

Heidt Questions Voter ID Need and Cost

$7.4 million? I thought we were broke, but not too broke to prevent people from voting.

Salvation Army Donations Needed

This for items that homeless people need. Feminine hygiene products, diapers, large adult t-shirts, etc.

County Board Public Hearings Start Today!

This is your 2 minute warning! Hearing on everything except Human Services Budget is tonight!

Help the City Save $8M

No, not this year's TIF for the Edgewater, but another neighborhood issue, this one on the far west side.

Of The Midnight “Revision” of Paul Revere

I had been meaning to let this go, but it has been on my mind as a microcosm of the political events of recent...

Progressive Suppression!

A casualty of the insane election season happened to be the only Progressive talk radio station around. The Mic 92.1 Progressive talk in...

Community Action Coalition Reducing Hours

More wonderful - eyeroll - news.

Your input needed . . .

Give your input on . . . street vending, Oscar Mayer and Imagine Madison (city comprehensive planning) . . . plus Tenant Resource Center's Iron Chef ingredients for the March 31st event.

Police Report on Mifflin St: End. It. Now.

Here's the findings and recommendations from their report. I'd like to see a longer comparison besides 2008 to 2011, I'm sure they have the data, the very limited comparison seems strange and seems to leave out a big piece of the picture.

Follow up to CCB Signs to Get Rid of the Homeless

City-County Liaison Committee met to discuss, but postponed to the next meeting after a little very annoying information was shared.

Housing Matters! Call Your Federal Reps Today

This is National Low Income Housing Coalition's Week of Action. Federal housing and homeless budget cuts proposed by the President are devastating, the House made some changes but that are better, but its still devastating. We can't end up with a compromise between the two and our elected officials are dealing with so much right now, we need to make sure housing is on their radar screen too . . . I'll let Joe Lindstrom from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, Dane County Supervisor Heidi Wegleitner, Alderperson Maurice Cheeks and Dane County Housing Authority's Rob Dicke explain how bad it is now, and how much worse it could get . . .